Stanotte la Blizzard ha uppato a sorpresa sul server di test la patch 1.2.1.
Nessuna novità dal punto di vista del balance ma solo alcuni bug fixes e delle versioni test di nuove mappe principalmente per 1vs1, 2vs2 e un paio per 3vs3 e 4vs4.

StarCraft II PTR Patch 1.2.1 Notes


* A special sneak peek at new ladder maps is now available!

* Matchmaking has been updated to better match players queuing with pre-made teams in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 brackets.

Bug Fixes


* Fixed an issue where the title of a conversation window was scaling rather than truncating.

* Fixed an issue where the Match History score screen was displaying "Null" for the map info for all games played before Patch 1.2.

* Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause players to be improperly disconnected from a game.

* (Mac) Fixed an issue that would cause the Control key to become stuck when holding Control and minimizing the game window, then going back to the game window and attempting to use Control+1 to create a control group.


* Fixed an issue with foliage that would die and become visible through the fog of war when a player spawned as zerg.

StarCraft II Editor

* Fixed an issue where copied-and-pasted units were not set to the correct height in-game.

* Fixed an issue where the table view scroll-bar position was reset when switching objects.

* Fixed an issue where secondary sort priorities were not working properly. Model name is now the secondary sort so that models are listed in alphabetical order after being sorted by the mod they are contained in.

As this is a test server, please anticipate uneven game performance, and note that restarts and downtime may occur without warning. We'll provide information regarding extended downtimes, should they occur, in the Public Test forum.

Ecco l'anteprima delle nuove mappe per l'1vs1:

Ora è difficile valutarle senza averci giocato un po', mi sembra comunque che la Blizzard stia prendendo la direzione giusta pensando a mappe più grandi, forse non sono al livello di quelle custom che saranno usate al GSL o all'ESL (sempre troppe rocce e terza basi poco difendibili) ma sicuramente sono un passo avanti rispetto a certi aborti che girano ora per la Ladder :P