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Thread: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

  1. #1
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    The below are the major weapon and vehicle changes planned for GU011.

    Vehicle and MAX Resource Costs

    • The majority of vehicles and the MAX units will be getting a resource cost increase with this update. The new values are based on data that we have collected from the Live servers, and our goal is to even out the resource costs with their related income rates.
      • New Costs:
      • Flash: 150
      • Sunderer: 400
      • Lightning: 400
      • Magrider: 450
      • Vanguard: 450
      • Prowler: 450
      • Scythe: 250
      • Reaver: 250
      • Mosquito: 250
      • Liberator: 350
      • Galaxy: 350
      • Harasser: 400
      • MAX: 350

    MAX Abilities

    • The Burster buffs when using the VS ZOE and TR Lockdown abilities will be reduced.
    • The damage received when the VS ZOE ability is active will be getting increased.
    • Note: The timer currently on the test server for the ZOE ability is not planned to go live.


    • All shotguns will be getting a small reduction in damage per pellet. The goal with this change is to reduce slop while keeping the effective kill ranges of the shotguns the same. So glancing hits and spamming without aiming will not be as rewarding, but well-aimed shots should just be as effective as before.
    • The default ammo count on the pump-action shotguns will be dropping from 5 to 4 rounds. This brings their potential kills per magazine and kills over time more in line with the other weapon classes.

    Faction Heavy Weapons

    • All faction weapons will be getting a pass to make them more effective at their various roles.
    • Jackhammer: The ammunition capacity of this weapon is being increased to 9 rounds. Also, the burst mode will be gaining a rate of fire increase.
    • MCG: The fire delay is being removed. Instead, the weapon will fire immediately and the rate of fire will ramp up over time. The hip accuracy is being adjusted to better allow sustained fire.
    • Lasher: This weapon will receive a rate of fire increase and a slight damage buff, which should allow it to be viable in more situations. Also, ally players will no longer take the full AOE damage.

    IRNV Scopes

    • We feel that the current downsides to this optic (less visibility at range) are negligible when compared to its benefits. We’re going to be adding a very small delay before the night vision is active and a small amount of scope sway to better balance the attachment out.


    • Bursters will be getting an accuracy penalty when moving and COF bloom is being added over sustained fire. The goal with this change is keep them just as effective at near range while dropping their effectiveness at extreme ranges (300+ meters).
    • Skyguards will be getting a projectile speed increase and other stat changes to make them better at range.


    • The Vulcan has been updated to be more effective at range and now has a larger clip size.
    • In addition, it has been given a spin up time. The Vulcan still fires during the spin up time, but at a reduced rate.

    Sunderer Deployment

    • Facilities and Outposts on Indar and Amerish now have Sunderer No Deploy Zones. These function just the like No Deploy Radius around allied deployed Sunderers. These zones prevent you from parking your Sunderer right on top of the capture points. You’ll have to fight to the capture points on foot. "Just a quick clarification: The no-deploy zones are restrictions for attackers only." questo è gamebreaking lol... cioè niente più sundy dentro alle AMP STATION? LOOOOOOOOOL

    Edit: Forgot one. Edit 2: Spelling
    Underbarrel Attachments

    • These have been removed from the weapon selection list and are now mapped to the primary weapon key. Press 1 to swap between the weapon and its attachment.


    riporto qui le patch notes del test server, visto che molte di queste cose andranno live con la GU11, QUESTE NON SONO DEFINITIVE

    Test Patch Notes 6/13
    Please take some time to check out a few of the things that went to the test server in the latest build. Let us know if you find any bugs and what you think of the changes. Thanks!

    Map Tutorial

    New map tutorial! It is accessed by clicking the question mark button at the bottom right corner of the map. This can be accessed by anyone at any time. Note that the help button that opens the map tutorial will be moving to a new location and will get new icons.

    Interactive Tutorial

    • Tutorial Intro now includes a list of topics that will be covered and an approximate ETA.
    • Infiltrator segment now also mentions holding breath to stabilize scope sway.
    • Warpgate Terminal now highlights the highest non-queued continent instead of always Indar.
    • Several minor tweaks and fixes to the tutorial to improve usability.

    Continent domination thresholds

    • Domination requirement lowered from 100% to 75% of the territory on the continent.
    • The point where a domination benefit will be lost increased from 0% to 15% of owned territory.
    • Our goal is to make continent domination and denial during prime time a tough but reasonably achievable goal and to reduce the situations where entire empires would hold up in one facility.

    Instant Action & Reinforcements Adjustments

    • Less emphasis on fights where your empire is dominating.
    • More emphasis on fights where your empire has a small disadvantage
    • Optimal IA fight is now a bit bigger than platoon vs platoon.
    • Lowered maximum population allowed for an instant action / reinforcement point to be active.
    • The intent of these changes is to be a better reinforcement mechanic and to help support and balance the medium-sized fights.

    MAX Ability Tuning

    • Increased Zealot Overdrive armor debuff to 30%
    • Added a fuel cost to the Zealot Overdrive, allowing up to 8 seconds of sustained use
    • Reduced the indirect damage buff for Bursters when using Zealot Overdrive

      • Indirect vs ESF
        • Rank 1: +5% (~93 damage)
        • Rank 2: +7% (~95 damage)
        • Rank 3: +9% (~97 damage)
        • Rank 4: +12% (~100 damage)
        • Rank 5: +15% (~103 damage)

      • Reduced the rate of fire/reload buff for Bursters when using Lockdown
        • Rank 1
          • Refire: -13
          • Reload: -10%
          • DPS: +5%

        • Rank 2
          • Refire: -25
          • Reload: -20%
          • DPS: +10%

        • Rank 3
          • Refire: -36
          • Reload: -30%
          • DPS: +15%

        • Rank 4
          • Refire: -46
          • Reload: -40%
          • DPS: +20%

        • Rank 5
          • Refire: -55
          • Reload: -50%
          • DPS: +25%

    Squad Browser Improvements
    We’ve made several additions to the squad screen, including:

    • Continent column and Continent filter
    • Outfit Tag column
    • Squad Leader column
    • Description text will now show platoon subsquad coloring and information
    • Page number display

    Squad Manager Improvements
    We’ve made several additions to the squad management screen, including:

    • Battle Rank column
    • Location column (in meters or continent name depending on if you’re on the same continent)
    • Outfit tag column
    • Vehicle icon callout if the player is in a vehicle
    • An area to drag and drop a member to create a platoon
    • Toggle to show the outfit tag of the squad leader

    Squad and Platoon Improvements

    • Added an icon callout for friends in the Squad and Platoon windows
    • Leaders names are now highlighted and have an icon callout in squad and voice chat listings
    • Added a drop down option for the platoon leader to set a member of their squad as the leader of that squad

    Loadout Screen Improvements

    • Added a dropdown selector instead of arrows for global tint selection
    • Now displays locked, unlocked, and upgradable cert items
    • Now displays un-owned slot items
    • Added quick weapon switch arrows
    • Will display the last used loadout per profile by default

    Better Visibility for Friendly Explosives
    The IFF range for friendly mines and explosives has been increased.
    AP Phalanx Turret Changes

    • Xiphos Anti-Personnel Phalax Turrets
      • Increased maximum turn speed for quicker aiming
      • Will now fire empire colored tracers (instead of always being yellow)

    Quick Action Menu Polish

    • Increased tracking speeds for vehicles and infantry.
      • This should keep the menu in the center of the screen and track on the target much faster. Having the menu stay in the middle of the screen will make it much easier to select the menu option of your choice.

    • Control should not be inverted if mouse control is inverted

    Tank and Fighter Superiority XP

    • Added Tank Superiority Bonus: 100 xp bonus for killing an enemy tank with a tank
    • Added Fighter Superiority Bonus: 100 xp bonus for killing an enemy ESF with an ESF

    Other Fixes and Improvements

    • Added visual effects when a player ejects from an air vehicle (using ejection system certification) or drops from a Galaxy to call out they are falling safely
    • Pulled third person camera of MBTs and Lightnings out about 1 meter
    • Ammo Towers should properly render in the VR training zone
    • Cosmetic items for infantry and vehicles are now accessible in the VR zone
    • Zealot Overdrive distortion FX have been reduced to one quarter of their previous size
    • Region Names will display when mousing over a waypoint HUD indicator
    • Experience reward text will still appear, even when an experience threshold has been hit
    • Revives remove the death stat received

    Last edited by Torok; 15/06/2013 at 04:07.

  2. #2
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    San Donato Milanese (MI)

    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    Questo gioco cambia ad ogni patch :-V

  3. #3
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    Quote Originally Posted by Q(F)M View Post
    Questo gioco cambia ad ogni patch :-V
    e per il meglio

  4. #4

    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    Il nerf allo shotgun (ancora?) e il flash a 150 risorse mi fanno un po' cagare... tutto il resto mi piace.

  5. #5
    Signore del Ghost Spam Cloud Wallace's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    non capisco molte cose a dire il vero:

    1) l'aumento a dismisura dei costi dei veicoli significa in pratica che un impero che viene pushato nel proprio 15% dalla warpgate poi non ha più risorse per uscire. Già ora con +10 ogni 5 minuti vuol dire pullare un MBT ogni morte di papa, figurati col costo a 450. In pratica va esattamente contro al motivo per cui hanno introdotto il continent lock al 85%, cioè "Our goal is to make continent domination and denial during prime time a tough but reasonably achievable goal and to reduce the situations where entire empires would hold up in one facility". GG SOE, solo di fanteria non si esce dalla warpgate...

    2) lightning a 400? Ma cosa cazzo hanno in testa? Flash a 150???? Al più dovrebbero far si che se equippi certi loadout il costo sale (es. flash con wraith e fury), ma quello di base deve restare basso.

    3) Nerf agli scatmax? Seriously? Pensassero ai fracture prima...

    4) Nerf agli shotgun? Si vede che non vendevano più, adesso pusheranno le SMG
    13 Il giorno dopo, uscì di nuovo e, vedendo due Ebrei che stavano rissando, disse a quello che aveva torto: «Perché percuoti il tuo fratello?». 14 Quegli rispose: «Chi ti ha costituito capo e giudice su di noi? Pensi forse di uccidermi, come hai ucciso l'Egiziano?».

    Se questo fosse un film d'azione hollywoodiano, Mosè direbbe "indovinato", tirando fuori due mitragliatrici e aprendo il fuoco. Ma purtroppo, come già detto, queste sono elucubrazioni, e nelle elucubrazioni non succedono cose così divertenti.

  6. #6
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    4) Nerf agli shotgun? Si vede che non vendevano più, adesso pusheranno le SMG
    A questo punto, già che bisogna mirare, tanto vale mettere le munizioni modificate

  7. #7
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud Wallace View Post
    non capisco molte cose a dire il vero:

    1) l'aumento a dismisura dei costi dei veicoli significa in pratica che un impero che viene pushato nel proprio 15% dalla warpgate poi non ha più risorse per uscire. Già ora con +10 ogni 5 minuti vuol dire pullare un MBT ogni morte di papa, figurati col costo a 450. In pratica va esattamente contro al motivo per cui hanno introdotto il continent lock al 85%, cioè "Our goal is to make continent domination and denial during prime time a tough but reasonably achievable goal and to reduce the situations where entire empires would hold up in one facility". GG SOE, solo di fanteria non si esce dalla warpgate...

    2) lightning a 400? Ma cosa cazzo hanno in testa? Flash a 150???? Al più dovrebbero far si che se equippi certi loadout il costo sale (es. flash con wraith e fury), ma quello di base deve restare basso.

    3) Nerf agli scatmax? Seriously? Pensassero ai fracture prima...

    4) Nerf agli shotgun? Si vede che non vendevano più, adesso pusheranno le SMG
    Alla fine il goal è raggiunto in quel modo lol, se prima non riuscivi a bloccare un impero all'ultimo hex ora ce la fai tranquillo perchè manco ti avvicini al warpgate, il costo di risorse non è un problema nemmeno se ti stanno warplokkando, già ora se lo stanno facendo non esci nemmeno coi veicoli veicoli, esci solo quando i nemici si rompono le palle asd, l'ultima volta che siamo arrivati all'ultimo hex rimasto dei terran eravamo NC + VS contro i Terran e non siam riusciti a toglierlo, ma questo non sussisterà più
    praticamente per i veicoli devi starci più attento e non puoi spammarli come semplice mezzo di trasporto, questa cosa è un nerf per la gente come me al 100 che a volte spawna 4 tank di fila asd, ora massimo due immagino :\
    i nuovi scatmax, praticamente il grinder è il migliore rapporto efficacia prezzo

  8. #8
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    This was pulled off reddit.

    [–]PS2 Creative Directorlas0m 72 points 3 hours ago*

    First of all, as usual we appreciate all the discussion on this, seeing a lot of valid concerns. I wanted to address a couple of them.

    1 - We've run the numbers too, of course. We're looking at average resource income and spend rates across multiple roles, i.e. people who play tanks primarily, those who play air primarily, those who play lots of stuff, etc. We've found that in general the resource income is about 3-4x the resource spend rate for most players, with a few exceptions. Not only that, but most of the time most players are CAPPED on aerospace and mechanized resources, including those who play those roles primarily. This is leading to resources being largely irrelevant. The only one that this isn't the case with is infantry resources, where you can spend without using, so more people manage to use those resources effectively without "wasting" their by earning while capped.

    2 - The purpose with resources is to be limit the flow of force-multipliers being used, vehicles, explosives, etc. If you're upset that you can't chain pull tanks over and over every 5 minutes, I don't know what to tell ya. That's kind of the entire purpose of the resource system to limit players from doing that. It's never been the intention that tanks and aircraft are always available and you never have to "do without", however, our current tuning basically allows for that - making resources, and therefore one of our strategic drivers largely irrelevant. Did you know you actively earn resources by fighting in certain areas, in addition to the passive gain? Most people don't since resources don't really matter. If you want to get tanks faster, you can do that by fighting more in mechanized resource hexes. Mechanized resources are usually more plentiful outside of warpgates too so sunderers and MBTs, the backbones of forming a push are earned earliest. None of this matters or is important in the current meta - hopefully this tuning starts to make that gameplay surface a bit more.

    3 - I know you're not saying this Roy, but just so everyone else sees it - this isn't a "Resource System Revamp" it's just a tuning pass. We still have longer term plans for more systematic adjustments to the resource game, including changes to the way you acquire and utilize resources. This tuning is an attempt to see what we can do to make resources more relevant in the current system without waiting several weeks for the new game systems to be coded and tuned. We also want to see what a more restrictive resource model feels like so we can refine the design direction for that larger change. These type of resource adjustments are fast and tiny changes to game data and are easy for us to adjust and even remove if it proves to be as bad as the doomsayers think it might be.

    4 - Currently resources and XP are boosted by being under-populated. Of course hardly anyone realizes that resources are boosted since they don't matter very much right now, but they are. We are considering greatly increasing the resource side of that bonus, meaning that under-populated empires will have a lot more availability to spawn vehicles. I'm sure the first thought is "if we're zerged back to the wg we're screwed anyways so this doesn't help", and that's true and is already the case. Yes, if they're pushed back all the way to WG, this won't be as huge of a benefit, but if you're under-pop while you're being pushed back it could matter a lot. Being able to out-pull vehicles, MAXes and consumables while you're fighting to hold territory as an under-popped empire could hopefully prove to be an alleviation of the population imbalance pain that some players are feeling on a couple servers. edit: since I know someone will show up to bring up that if you're evenly popped and pushed back to WG you'd be hurting - that's true, but that's kind of the point. This is the component I'm personally least comfortable with.

    Once again, the goals with this tuning is to make resources more relevant, decrease the time that players spend 'capped' on vehicle resources, limit chain pulling powerful force-multiplier vehicles such as MBTs, and, ideally, to allow under-popped empires to leverage force multipliers at a higher rate than their over-populated rivals while actively contesting territory.

    At any rate, I'll take the concerns to the team, and we'll continue to discuss. I agree there are some big issues to watch carefully with this type of change.

    The good news is it's a very simple change to implement, iterate and even to revert if needed. Like so much in Planetside 2, "TheorySiding" and mathematical models only get us so far (both ours and yours), it's really impossible to accurately predict the actual results until we can see it played by real players in real situations.
    Higby su reddit riguardo al balance risorse (Concordo e spingo!)

  9. #9
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

  10. #10
    Signore del Ghost Spam Cloud Wallace's Avatar
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    Default Re: GU011: Weapon And Vehicles Changes / Others

    fap fap fap
    13 Il giorno dopo, uscì di nuovo e, vedendo due Ebrei che stavano rissando, disse a quello che aveva torto: «Perché percuoti il tuo fratello?». 14 Quegli rispose: «Chi ti ha costituito capo e giudice su di noi? Pensi forse di uccidermi, come hai ucciso l'Egiziano?».

    Se questo fosse un film d'azione hollywoodiano, Mosè direbbe "indovinato", tirando fuori due mitragliatrici e aprendo il fuoco. Ma purtroppo, come già detto, queste sono elucubrazioni, e nelle elucubrazioni non succedono cose così divertenti.

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