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Thread: La Blizzard Rompe Le Balle Once Again!

  1. #11
    BoP D'oro 2008! Feror's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Arkady@Nov 10 2005, 12:06 AM
    Fatto sta che è sbagliato per principio fare lo scan dei processi attivi. Quelli sono fatti miei, e solo miei.
    siccome il warden fa uno scan in locale, rimangono cavoli tuoi, il warden manda info sensibili a blizzard solo se in quei processi ti becca un hack per wow.

  2. #12
    Spirito Libero Propheta's Avatar
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    non controllo l'ortografia... non rompete

  3. #13
    The Dark Side Of MySelf Infe's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Feror@Nov 10 2005, 09:34 AM
    siccome il warden fa uno scan in locale, rimangono cavoli tuoi, il warden manda info sensibili a blizzard solo se in quei processi ti becca un hack per wow.
    bho come fanno a definire tutti i programmi che sono cheat solo per wow..magari usando emule o altri programmi me li scansiona come cheat per wow e vengo bannato

  4. #14
    BoP D'oro 2008! Feror's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Infe@Nov 10 2005, 01:49 PM
    bho come fanno a definire tutti i programmi che sono cheat solo per wow..magari usando emule o altri programmi me li scansiona come cheat per wow e vengo bannato
    scusa he

    è per questo che il warden ti scanna i processi attivi, propio per capire se un processo sta interagendo con wow o no ^_^

  5. #15
    Member Argenta's Avatar
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    Non so, onestamente dubito che possa intercettare un programma che interagisce direttamente con l'eseguibile...

    Anche perchè potrebbe consistere in semplici "SendKeys" e lavorare in silenzio.

    Io penso che dal processo risalgano all'eseguibile, e facciano controlli direttamente su di esso (nome, dimensione, altri dati che non posso nemmeno immaginare).

    Qualcuno ne sa di più? E' cmq una discussione interessante, servirebbe l'intervento di un programmatore/informatico con i controcog**oni.

  6. #16
    Piccolo Spammer Taljaar's Avatar
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    "I recently performed a rather long reversing session on a piece of software written by Blizzard Entertainment, yes - the ones who made Warcraft, and World of Warcraft (which has 4.5 million+ players now, apparently). This software is known as the 'warden client' - its written like shellcode in that it's position independant. It is downloaded on the fly from Blizzard's servers, and it runs about every 15 seconds. It is one of the most interesting pieces of spyware to date, because it is designed only to verify compliance with a EULA/TOS. Here is what it does, about every 15 seconds, to about 4.5 million people (500,000 of which are logged on at any given time):

    The warden dumps all the DLL's using a ToolHelp API call. It reads information from every DLL loaded in the 'world of warcraft' executable process space. No big deal.

    The warden then uses the GetWindowTextA function to read the window text in the titlebar of every window. These are windows that are not in the WoW process, but any program running on your computer. Now a Big Deal.

    I watched the warden sniff down the email addresses of people I was communicating with on MSN, the URL of several websites that I had open at the time, and the names of all my running programs, including those that were minimized or in the toolbar. These strings can easily contain social security numbers or credit card numbers, for example, if I have Microsoft Excel or Quickbooks open w/ my personal finances at the time.

    Once these strings are obtained, they are passed through a hashing function and compared against a list of 'banning hashes' - if you match something in their list, I suspect you will get banned. For example, if you have a window titled 'WoW!Inmate' - regardless of what that window really does, it could result in a ban. If you can't believe it, make a dummy window that does nothing at all and name it this, then start WoW. It certainly will result in warden reporting you as a cheater. I really believe that reading these window titles violates privacy, considering window titles contain alot of personal data. But, we already know Blizzard Entertainment is fierce from a legal perspective. Look at what they have done to people who tried to make BNetD, freecraft, or third party WoW servers.

    Next, warden opens every process running on your computer. When each program is opened, warden then calls ReadProcessMemory and reads a series of addresses - usually in the 0x0040xxxx or 0x0041xxxx range - this is the range that most executable programs on windows will place their code. Warden reads about 10-20 bytes for each test, and again hashes this and compares against a list of banning hashes. These tests are clearly designed to detect known 3rd party programs, such as wowglider and friends. Every process is read from in this way. I watched warden open my email program, and even my PGP key manager. Again, I feel this is a fairly severe violation of privacy, but what can you do? It would be very easy to devise a test where the warden clearly reads confidential or personal information without regard.

    This behavior places the warden client squarely in the category of spyware. What is interesting about this is that it might be the first use of spyware to verify compliance with a EULA. I cannot imagine that such practices will be legal in the future, but right now in terms of law, this is the wild wild west. You can't blame Blizz for trying, as well as any other company, but this practice will have to stop if we have any hope of privacy. Agree w/ botting or game cheaters or not, this is a much larger issue called 'privacy' and Blizz has no right to be opening my excel or PGP programs, for whatever reason.


  7. #17
    Banned Teoberk's Avatar
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    io gli faccio causa alla blizzard-_-

  8. #18
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    qualcuno in grado di verificare di persona? ^_^

    cmq se queste cose sono vere, spero che la blizzard passi dei brutti momenti...da quando è sotto l'ala francese ha perso molto

  9. #19
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza Arkady's Avatar
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    Si potrebbe vedere se effettivamente raccoglie info sui processi attivi.. in più potrei vedere se queste info vengono spedite o meno. Peccatto che mi manchi wow e un account
    In ogni caso non fatico a credere che la Blizz faccia queste cose, oramai è molto di moda ficcare il naso nel pc degli utenti.

    Edit: la Blizz ha praticamente confermato che Warden fa uno scan dei processi, anche se poi dice che è innocuo e che non comunica informazioni personali. Imho, anche i processi aperti sono informazioni personali

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