There isn't any US testing today and we all know what it means! See you in a few hours for the next PTR build.

Lord Marrowgar EU PTR Testing
Lord Marrowgar will be tested on EU PTRs tonight.


Memento Mori (EU-Frostmane)
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Cráb People (EU-Talnivarr)
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Lord Marrowgar
Health (25): 18.06M Spell Description Bone Spike Graveyard
Hurls a massive bone spike which impales any enemies in the way. 3 sec cast, deals 10% health per sec for 5 minutes or until killed. Spikes have 37900HP in 25-Man Normal Mode. Saber Lash
Splits 300% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its two nearest allies. 5 yd range, Next melee Saber Lash
Prevents the target from being impaled while tanking.
Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone, which causes them to bleed for 15 sec. Deals 7000 Physical damage and 2500 damage every 3 seconds. Instant cast, Marrowgar will emotes before he uses this ability. Coldflame
Summons a line of frost that hits enemies in the way. Inflicts 7000 Frost damage every 1.0 sec for 3 sec.

Description Storming the Citadel (10 player)
Defeat the first four bosses in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode. Unboned (10 player)
Defeat Lord Marrowgar without anyone taking damage from Bone Cyclone in 10-player mode.
