Un po' di build per voi niubbi che non sapete un tubazzo....:P

Interrupter Ranger

Level: 20

Expertise: 10 (9+1)
Beast Mastery: 4 (3+1)
Wilderness Survival: 12 (10+2)
Marksmanship: 14 (11+3)

Distracting Shot (Expertise)
If Distracting Shot hits, it interrupts target foe's action but deals only 11 damage. If the interrupted action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds.
Energy:3 Cast Time:0.75 Recharge:10

Incendiary Arrows [Elite] (Wilderness Survival)
For 8 seconds, targets struck by your arrows are interrupted and set on fire for 3 seconds.
Energy:3 Cast Time:2 Recharge:24

Choking Gas (Wilderness Survival)
For 10 seconds, your arrows deal 7 more damage and spread Choking Gas to all adjacent foes on impact. Choking Gas interrupts foes attempting to cast spells.
Energy:9 Cast Time:2 Recharge:24

Tiger's Fury (Beast Mastery)
All your non-attack skills are disabled for 5 seconds. For 7 seconds, you attack 33% faster than normal.
Energy:6 Cast Time:0 Recharge:10

Questa è una base di build molto efficace per interrompere l'avversario. Usate le due preparazioni a turno utilizzando ogni volta che è possibile furia della tigre per aumentare la vostra velocità d'attacco, infilate possibilmente tra una preparazione e l'altra un colpo distraente.

NOTA: conviene utilizzare un arco corto per avere la velocità d'attacco massima possibile.

Queste 4 skill rappresentano lo scheletro base per questo genere di ranger interrupter, negli altri slot si possono inserire abilità a volontà anche se il Sigillo della Resurrezione e fortemente consigliato assieme a Inchioda per azzoppare il bersaglio, Sigillo dell'Antidoto per togliersi cecità e Posizioni/Getta Terra/Unguento del Troll per autodifesa.


Ranger/Monk Qs

Level: 20

Expertise: 13 (10+3)
Beast Mastery: 6 (5+1)
Marksmanship: 15 (11+4)
Smiting Prayers: 8

Distracting Shot (Expertise)
If Distracting Shot hits, it interrupts target foe's action but deals only 11 damage. If the interrupted action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds.
Energy:3 Cast Time:0.75 Recharge:10

Quick Shot [Elite] (Ranger other)
Shoot an arrow 2 times faster than normal. All your attack skills are disabled for 2 seconds.
Energy:3 Cast Time:1 Recharge:1

Read the Wind (Marksmanship)
For 12 seconds, your arrows move twice as fast as normal and deal 11 extra damage.
Energy:3 Cast Time:2 Recharge:12

Tiger's Fury (Beast Mastery)
All your non-attack skills are disabled for 5 seconds. For 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster than normal.
Energy:6 Cast Time:0 Recharge:10

Resurrection Signet ()
Resurrect target party member. You can only use this skill ring once per mission.
Energy:0 Cast Time:3 Recharge:0

Pin Down (Marksmanship)
If Pin Down hits, your target is crippled for 16 seconds.
Energy:9 Cast Time:0 Recharge:15

Judge's Insight (Smiting Prayers)
For the next 15 seconds, target ally's attacks deal holy damage and have +20% armor penetration.
Energy:10 Cast Time:2 Recharge:10

Favorable Winds (Marksmanship)
Create a level 10 Spirit. For creatures within its range, arrows move twice as fast as normal and strike for +6 damage. This Spirit dies after 158 seconds.
Energy:5 Cast Time:5 Recharge:60

Rangers are well-known for their ability to shut down casters with their arrows.
They also can lay down a Quickening Zephyr to make spellcasters leak Energy like

Sample Build:
1. Incindiary Arrows (Elite)
2. Debilitating Shot
3. Concussion Shot
4. Distracting Shot
5. Dryder's Defenses
6. Quickening Zephyr
7. Troll Unguent
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Choking Gas, Disrupting Lunge, Pin Down, Savage Shot,
Spike Trap (Elite), Punishing Shot (Elite)

Artillery Support
AKA "Barrager"

Barrage is one of the few Elite skills that warrants an entire theme, as the
limitations and strengths of Barrage require careful thought and management.
A high Marksmanship is obviously required, and high Expertise is needed so the
Barrager can continually spam the Barrage skill against enemies.

Sample Build:
1. Barrage (Elite)
2. Favorable Winds
3. Winnowing
4. Distracting Shot
5. Lightning Reflexes
6. Tiger's Fury
7. Troll Unguent
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

The Artful Dodger
This theme focuses mostly on the Ranger's excellent ability to avoid damage. It
focuses mostly on the Expertise attribute, and relies on dodging skills to
prevent damage to the Ranger. Typically, you will want at least two skills to
overlap, as the cooldown times on those skills tend to be quite long.

Sample Build:
1. Bow Damage Skill of choice
2. Lightning Reflexes - Increased Attack speed and dodging
3. Whirling Defense - Defensive Skill
4. Throw Dirt - Applies Blindness, Defensive Skill
5. Dryder's Defenses - Defensive Skill, resists elemental damage
6. Escape (Elite) - Increases Speed, Defensive Skill
7. Troll Unguent/Healing Spring - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Dodge, Dust Trap, Oath Shot (Elite)

The Beastmaster
One of the definitive themes of the Ranger class, the Beastmaster focuses on
his or her Pet. Since Beast Mastery is a skillbar hog, most who choose this
theme tend to focus on it, dedicating at least half of their slots to Beast
Master skills. Obviously, this theme is heavy on the Beast Mastery attribute.

Sample Build:
1. Charm Animal - Needed for pet
2. Comfort Animal - For healing/resurrecting pet
3. Call of Protection - Damage reduction for pet
4. Symbiotic Bond - More protection for pet, and Health regen
5. Disrupting Lunge - For disruption
6. Ferocious Strike (Elite)
7. Troll Unguent - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

The Machine-gunner
This theme utilizes Quick Shot and skills that lower cooldown times so that the
Ranger can lay down a fast stream of arrows. You'll be firing slightly faster
than the attack rate of most swords/axes.

Note that in a Quick Shot build, you won't get much benefit from Serpent's
Quickness, but you will get a benefit from Tiger's Fury and Quickening Zephyr.

Sample Build: This build needs a high Expertise (preferably 13 total from Rune
or Mask), and a high wilderness survival tends to help as well for adding damage
through the use of preparations. Use a Zealous bowstring to reclaim energy

1. Quick Shot (Elite)
2. Dual Shot
3. Quickening Zephyr
4. Favorable Winds
5. Tiger's Fury
6. Kindle Arrows
7. Troll Unguent
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

The Ritualist
AKA The "Spirit Spammer"

This theme has been showing up in the PvP metagame recently. This Ranger uses
spirits to change the "rules" of the battlefield, while using Oath Shot (Elite)
or Quickening Zephyr/Serpent's Quickness to reduce the long cooldown times.
Spirits can be used as a temporary obstacle, and the dedicated Ritualist often
plants multiple spirits to increase coverage and provide insurance against
Spirit destruction.

Sample Build: High levels of Beast Mastery and Wilderness Survival are helpful
for this PvP-specific version of the Ritualist. This particular sample build
works best in a team with few/no enchantments, and it is designed to make the
lives of the opponent's Monks and Aeromancers difficult.

1. Greater Conflagration (Elite)
2. Quickening Zephyr - Reduces cooldowns while increasing Energy costs
3. Nature's Renewal - Nukes enchantments/hexes
4. Favorable Winds - Increases bow damage
5. Frozen Soil - Prevents resurrection, for locking in a win
6. Fertile Season - More armor and HP reduces the power of Aeromancer spiking
7. Troll Unguent - Self-heal
8. Free slot (Res Signet)

Other useful skills: Some folks use Oath Shot (Elite) to lower the cooldown
times of their spirits.

The Skirmisher
Skirmishers are Rangers who choose to harass and harry their opponents by the
application of Conditions (especially Cripple and Poison). A Skirmisher is
often the first person to attack and lure a monster, focusing on weakening
monsters before the rest of the party uses Focus Fire on it. They also can use
bow preparations to apply area effect splash-damage, causing much grief for
groups of enemies.

Sample Build:
1. Poison Arrow (Elite) - Poison
2. Pin Down - Crippling
3. Hunter's Shot - Bleeding
4. Ignite Arrows - Splash damage
5. Dual Shot - Damage multiplier
6. Whirling Defense - Defensive skill
7. Troll Unguent - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Choking Gas, Incindiary Arrows (Elite), Melandru's Arrows
(Elite), Kindle Arrows, Distracting Shot, Concussion Shot, Dust Trap, Flame
Trap, Barbed Trap, Spike Trap (Elite), Throw Dirt

The Sniper
The Sniper is the quintessential archer, focusing on doing the most damage
against a single target with each arrow. Using Marksmanship skills in concert,
the Sniper picks off opponents one by one, stacking as much damage as possible.

Sample Build:
This build is particularly light on the Wilderness Survival skills. Most
Rangers choose to increase their Wilderness Survival skills and go part Sniper,
part Skirmisher.
1. Penetrating Attack - Increase damage per shot
2. Power Shot - Increases damage per shot
3. Read the Wind - Increases damage, based on Marksmanship
4. Favorable Winds - Increases damage
5. Marksman's Wager (Elite) - Energy Management
6. Lightning Reflexes - Defense
7. Troll Unguent - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Hunter's Shot, Distracting Shot, Dual Shot, Kindle Arrows,
Concussion Shot, Tiger's Fury, Apply Poison, Poison Arrow (Elite)

The Trapper
The Trapper focuses on Traps and the Wilderness Survival attribute. Trappers
know when to use traps as passive elements to "soften" up targets as well as
using traps actively in combat to add area-effect damage while hiding behind
a tank. The conditions added by such traps are invaluable for support, and a
high Expertise prevents the Trapper from being hit while laying down traps.

One common place that a Trapper is in demand is in the Underworld, where there
are many powerful enemies who do not use Ranged attacks (Bladed Aatxes come to
mind). Dust Trap and Barbed Trap help to soften them up before the group can
focus and kill these creatures. See "All-Trapper Party in the Underworld"
below in the PvE section for a look at this.

Sample Build:
1. Dust Trap
2. Flame Trap
3. Barbed Trap
4. Healing Spring
5. Whirling Defense
6. Dryder's Defenses
7. Throw Dirt
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Lightning Reflexes, Dodge, Escape (Elite), Spike Trap
(Elite), Muddy Terrain, Quickening Zephyr (quickly recharge traps), Energizing
Wind (reduce the cost of Dust Trap and Barbed Trap)


Ranger-Elementalists combine the best of the two ranged combat worlds, Bow
Attacks and Magic. Rangers, however, lack the key attribute of Elementalists,
Energy Storage, and thus often run into energy problems when using Elementalist
skills. Also, Expertise only applies to Ranger skills and Rangers lack decent
Energy management and regen. When selecting Elementalist skills to complement
your Ranger abilities, select ones that do not cause Exhaustion, are not
duplicated by Ranger abilities, and ideally have a low Energy cost.

Conjure X --> Per Stachild
Conjure Flame, Conjure Lightning, and Conjure Frost all can add damage to bow
attacks, similar to bow preparations. They cost a reasonable 10 mana and last
for a whole minute. Because they remove enchantments, they tend to be less
useful for primary Elementalists. However, Rangers don't have enchantments...

One skill that Conjure spells synergize well with is Barrage. Barrage removes
bow preparations, but the Conjure spells aren't preparations, so they still
take effect and cause additional damage. Another skill that multiplies the
damage done by the Conjure spells is Dual Shot (by doubling the arrows). Also,
Conjure spells stack quite well with bow preparations... with a skillset of
Conjure X plus Ignite Arrows plus Poison Arrow, you can have arrows that do
area-effect fire damage, add poison, AND Conjure elemental damage.

Some important notes: To utilize an appropriate Conjure X spell, you MUST have
a bowstring of the corresponding type. For example, Conjure Flame ONLY works
on a Fiery bow (a bow with a Fire bowstring). This limits you to that single
element, which can be a disadvantage when facing enemies resistant to that
element. Also, sometimes it's hard to track down the appropriate bowstring to
match the Conjure spell you want to duplicate.

I'm not sure if Conjure Flame works on the splash damage of Ignite Arrows. That
is something that I'll have to investigate.

Sample Build:
This build takes advantage of two low Energy spells, Glimmering Mark and
Conjure Lightning. It requires the use of a Lightning damage bow. It is heavy
in the attributes of Air Magic and Wilderness Survival. With the low cost of
most of the skills, you can skimp a few points out of Expertise.
1. Glimmering Mark (Elite) - Blinds when target is struck by lightning damage
2. Conjure Lightning - Added damage
3. Ignite Arrows - Added damage, splash damage
4. Dual Shot - For doubling the damage from Conjure/Bow Prep
5. Distracting Shot - For disruption and "buffering"
6. Dryder's Defenses - Defensive Skill
7. Troll Unguent - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Glyph of (Lesser) Energy and Energizing Wind
Most Elementalist skills are too prohibitively expensive for a Ranger to use.
However, there are three skills, two in the Elementalist Line, and one in the
Ranger line, that can help reduce the energy costs. Glyph of Lesser Energy
reduces the cost of the next spell you cast by 15 Energy. This puts some of
the most expensive spells in an easily castable range for a Ranger. The main
downside to the Glyph is that it has a cooldown time of 30 seconds. However.
Ranger Expertise bonuses do apply to Glyphs, thus giving you an even larger
saving in Energy. Most of the heavy damage Elementalist spells have a long
casting time, anyway, so the additional second to cast the Glyph isn't too much
compared to the benefit of using it.

The Glyph of Lesser Energy also has an Elite cousin, called the Glyph of Energy.
It is Elite (and thus limits you to using only that Elite), saves up to 20
Energy, and has a cooldown time of only 15 seconds. I'm not sure that the
increased Energy savings and better cooldown is worth using your Elite slot.
You can also run both Glyphs in your skillbar, but then you'd have two Glyphs
hogging up space on your skillbar.

Rangers have access to a Nature Ritual called Energizing Wind, which reduces
Energy costs for all spells by 15 (to a minimum of 10). As with other rituals,
the casting time is prohibitive, but it provides the Ranger with a great way to
save Energy on the expensive Elementalist spells. It also reduces the cost for
Concussion Shot and Dust Trap quite nicely. The penalty is the 25% increase in
cooldown time for all skills, but this penalty is negligable if you are prone
to using lots of high Energy-cost spells. Note that as a Nature Ritual, it
affects friends and foes... it might not be the best thing to use while hunting
Hydras, for instance (who will attack with a non-stop stream of spells while
this spirit is in effect), and some of your allies may complain about the
lengthened cooldown times if you don't inform them of the spirit beforehand.
Then again, there may be some Elementalists who will appreciate having a great
reduction in their Energy costs.

Glyph of Concentration
Although the Glyph of Concentration text states that it prevents interruption
for spells, apparently it also prevents traps from being interrupted while
casting as well. This may be a bug and may be removed in a future update, but
for now, the Glyph of Concentration is a great way to lay down a trap without
fear of being interrupted. Best of all, Glyphs also get an Expertise Energy-
cost reduction.

Ranger-Mesmers have a pretty cool deal, as the Fast Casting primary attribute
of the Mesmer class is not nearly as useful as Expertise (or other Primary
attributes, for that matter) and while a Ranger-Mesmer may run into more Energy
problems than a Primary Mesmer, by careful selection of spells a Ranger can
often retain all of his/her Ranger skills and still effectively toss out Mesmer

Mesmer skills in Domination augment the Ranger's already powerful lineup of
anti-caster attacks. The staple standards of the Domination line, such as
Backfire, Power Leak, and Empathy, work well to shut down casters, allowing the
Ranger more options in terms of disruption. The Inspiration line is less
useful as it typically deals with ways to manipulate other Mesmer spells, but
it provides the Ranger some more methods to reclaim energy. Illusion magic has
several interesting spells that benefit a Ranger.

For example:

Conjure Phantasm
The most well-known damaging spell in the Mesmer line is Conjure Phantasm, and
thus Mesmers are known for their Damage over Time capabilities. Rangers also
can apply Damage over Time through the Bleeding and Poison conditions. You can
combine both of these concepts to create an effective Damage over Time Ranger.

Sample Build:
Main Attributes are Illusion Magic and Wilderness Survival.
1. Conjure Phantasm - For -5 Health Degen
2. Kindle Arrow - For more damage
3. Poison Arrow (Elite) - For Poison
4. Hunter's Shot - For Bleeding
5. Dual Shot - For doubling the Kindle Arrow effect
6. Dryder's Defenses - Defensive Skill
7. Troll Unguent - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Melandru's Arrows (Elite), Barbed Trap, Flame Trap,
Maiming Strike, Apply Poison, Incindiary Arrows, Phantom Pain

Echo (Elite)
Echo is a great Elite from the Mesmer line. It works especially well with
skills that have a long cooldown time, as it allows you to use a skill twice
in rapid succession. What's better than one Dual Shot? That's right, two Dual

Echo costs only 5 Energy, and is not linked to any attribute, thus it does not
need any point investment. It does take up your Elite slot, however.

Several skills that work well with Echo are the long cooldown stances, traps,
and the following theme:

Energy Thief
This theme utilizes the Elite skill Echo to copy Debilitating Shot and a high
Expertise to reduce the cost of Debilitating Shot. With Echo, you can lay down
multiple Debilitating Shots, quickly depriving your enemy of the Energy they
need to cast spells. You can pour salt on the wound, so to speak, by adding
Mind Wrack and Spirit Shackles, a classic combination used by Mergoyles to
damage and nullify spellcasters and warriors alike. Any spells that they DO end
up casting can be interrupted by Distracting Shot.

Sample Build:
1. Echo (Elite)
2. Debilitating Shot
3. Distracting Shot
4. Mind Wrack
5. Spirit Shackles
6. Whirling Defense
7. Troll Unguent/Illusion of Weakness
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Another skill to try is the low cost Wastrel's Worry. If they can't cast
spells, then they probably won't be doing anything for the 3 second duration it
takes to damage them with this unusual skill. You can also use Signet of
Weariness for a bit of Energy-free Energy stealing.

Fragility is a Mesmer hex that applies damage to a creature if they gain or
lose a status condition, like Bleeding, Poison, Cripple, etc. Since one of the
strengths of a primary ranger is applying Status conditions, Fragility combined
with, say, Pin Down or Apply Poison can potentially cause a world of hurt for
a single targeted enemy. Ironically, you may want to actually have a low
Wilderness Survival for this build, as it shortens the durations of your
conditions and thus shortens the time between taking the initial Fragility
damage and the later Fragility damage (when the condition is removed).

Some caveats, though: Fragility costs 15 energy, and it isn't reduced by
Expertise. Thus, energy management can be a problem. Hex Removal is the bane
of this build, as it removes the Fragility Hex and the main damage-dealing part
of this build. Fragility has a long cooldown time (15 seconds), which limits
you to taking on one creature at a time. Finally, you are most effective at
taking out a single creature, and a creature that isn't being Focused at that
(as typical with playing Mesmers), as Focus Fire tends to kill a creature far
too quickly for your Fragility combo to truly take effect.

Sample Build:
1. Fragility
2. Pin Down - Causes Crippling
3. Hunter's Shot - Causes Bleeding
4. Incindiary Arrows (Elite) - Causes Burning
5. Throw Dirt - Causes Blindness
6. Whirling Defense - General Ranger defensive skill
7. Troll Unguent/Illusion of Weakness - Healing
8. Free Slot (Res Signet or Signet of Capture)

Other useful skills: Melandru's Arrows (Elite), Barbed Trap, Spike Trap(Elite),
Flame Trap, Dust Trap, Maiming Strike, Concussion Shot, Crippling Shot (Elite),
Ineptitude (Elite), Phantom Pain

Illusionary Weaponry (Elite)
This interesting Elite does Chaos damage instead of your regular damage on
every swing of a melee attack. It instantly turns your character into a melee
specialist, as Illusionary Weaponry always hits for a set amount of damage (34
points of damage at Illusion Magic of 12), regardless if you are blinded or
your target is evading/blocking. Every time you swing, whether or not you hit
or miss, it does 34 points damage. You'll never do a critical hit, but you'll
never have that damage reduced by armor, either. Because it is an enchantment,
and the duration is slightly less than the cooldown time, you might either want
to bring Serpent's Quickness/Quickening Zephyr to reduce the cooldown time or
have an "of Enchantment" suffixed weapon to increase the duration of the spell.
Also, you will want to use the fastest weapon you can get your hands on, which
is either a sword or an axe. Damage range doesn't matter, as Illusionary
Weaponry substitutes its damage for your weapon's damage. You can combine this
with Tiger's Fury or Lightning Reflexes to get even more damage out of your
attacks, by striking faster.

As with other Elites, this skill precludes your use of any other Elite skill in
your skillbar. However, you should keep it in mind if find yourself in melee
combat often.

Mantra of Concentration/Resolve
Mesmers have two stances that prevent interrruption, Mantra of Concentration
and Mantra of Resolve. While Rangers rarely have problems with being
interrupted, except for the occasional Troll Unguent, the Trapper Ranger gains
a huge benefit from using these stances, as they can prevent their easily
interrupted casting animations for laying down traps from being interrupted.
Both of these Mantras last a long time. Mantra of Concentration is only good
for one hit, but is quite Energy efficient. Mantra of Resolve is good for
multiple hits as long as you have Energy, with the Energy costs decreasing with
higher levels of Inspiration magic. In general, it's better to go with Mantra
of Concentration if you have few points in Inspiration Magic, and Mantra of
Resolve if you have many points in Inspiration Magic. Also, since Mantras are
stances, Expertise DOES apply to them.

"You're a Tank!?"
In this theme, the Ranger takes advantage of two skills to greatly reduce the
physical damage done to him. Greater Conflagration (Elite) changes all
physical damage into fire damage, which the Ranger can defend against quite
nicely with Drakescale armor. The Mesmer secondary grants the Ranger a new
stance called Mantra of Flame which can reduce the Fire damage taken by as much
as 45%. The stance lasts a long time (30-78 seconds), is reduced by Expertise
in cost, and also grants the Ranger 1 Energy every time he takes Fire damage.
With these pair of skills, the Ranger no longer worries about Energy Management
or physical damage from melee/ranged attacks. The main limitation of this
theme is that Greater Conflagration is an Elite, but it may be a small price to
pay for being able to tank damage easily as a Ranger. Another option for a
long-lasting Mesmer stance to reduce Fire damage is Elemental Resistance.

Ranger/Monk -

It is said that there is no such thing as a bad Monk combination in Guild Wars.
All classes benefit from the healing capabilities of the Monk class as a
secondary. The ability to Resurrect your allies more than one time in a
mission (the main limitation of the Signet) and adding supplemental healing to
the Ranger's already burgeoning arsenal of support skills is almost a
no-brainer. A less obvious benefit is the addition of Protection and Smiting
magic, along with a few good Energy management enchantments.

Balthazar's Spirit
Rangers lack good Energy management, but a possible solution can be found in
the Monk Smiting line. Balthazar's Spirit provides energy every time you get
hit. This can quickly replenish your energy stores in close-combat situations.
However, the point of the Ranger defense is often NOT to get hit, with evasion
skills and such. Still, this enchantment typically makes your Energy problems
vanish, and might be worth a look. The fact that it works well without sinking
any points into Smiting Prayers is a plus.

Healing Wind vs. Troll Unguent
Healing Wind costs much more energy (10 Energy, not reduced by Expertise), has
a shorter casting time, and can help your teammates. Troll Unguent has a slow
casting time, has a much lower energy cost, and can only be cast on yourself.
To me, the decision is obvious: in solo situations or in situations with
adequate healing (2 or more Monks in a group), go with Troll Unguent for self-
healing (as this takes some of the pressure of healing off the group). In most
party situations however, Healing Wind is a far better choice, as you are
providing healing for yourself and helping your team's main healer.

Judge's Insight
This enchantment spell in the Smiting line has a fairly short duration, but
provides a great benefit for your attacks by changing all of your damage to
Holy damage and giving you 20% armor penetration. The 20% armor penetration
alone allows you to hit for 10 to 20% more damage (depending on the armor of
the opponent), but this enchantment really shines against the Undead. Since
it isn't a preparation, it also stacks well with Barrage. When combining the
two, I tend to see numbers above three digits sail over large groups of undead
enemies. On a critical hit, damage can be increased to over 200 points!
Against non-undead opponents, this enchantment also performs well as a "pseudo-
preparation", although its short duration often precludes its use combining
with bow preparations. Take this along on Gates of Kryta or Sanctum Cay farm

Sample Build:
This build is an Undead hunter, and has several points in Smiting Prayers to
lengthen the duration of Judge's Insight. Symbol of Wrath costs only 5 Energy
and makes a great complement to the defensive skills when surrounded. The main
power comes from Judge's Insight + Barrage, however, with a little help from
Favorable Winds.
1. Barrage (Elite)
2. Judge's Insight
3. Symbol of Wrath
4. Favorable Winds
5. Whirling Defense
6. Lightning Reflexes
7. Healing Breeze
8. Resurrect/Signet of Capture/Mending (depends if you are soloing)


Burner (by Alekeya):


Fuoco 12(+3+1)
Energia (12+3)

Runa del vigore suprema
Bacchetta del fuoco da PvP, aumenta la velocità di lancio delle magie del Fuoco (20%)
Manufatto della Fiamma PvP, aumenta ricarica e velocità delle magie del fuoco (20%/20%)
Armatura completa del Piromante da PvP


-Palla di fuoco
-Glifo dell'energia minore(/Armonia con il Fuoco)
-Legami incendiari (/pioggia di meteore)
-Glifo dell'energia [elite]
-Segno di Rodgort
-Sigillo di Resurrezione

Cercate di utilizzare sempre il glifo dell'energia minore prima di legami incendiari e il glifo dell'energia prima del Segno di Rodgort e non avrete mai problemi di Energia. Se preferite, potete usare l'armonia al posto del glifo minore.
La versione per la Tomba ha semplicemente La pioggia di meteore sostituita con i legami incendiari e, volendo, anche l'armonia del fuoco al posto del glifo minore.
Lanciate il Segno sul vostro target e bombardatelo con meteora, palla di fuoco , seguito uno spam continuo di Bengala.
La combo piu' devastante da eseguire è Legami incendiari>Meteora>Palla di Fuoco> Bengala> Bengala> Bengala>[...]>Bengala.
Vedrete venire giu' con facilità estrema anche i guerrieri piu' coriacei.


fuoco 16
riserva di energia 10
9 in terra
5 aria

armonia col fuoco
armonia elementale
esplosione di fiamme
palla di fuoco
eco arcana
guardia contro i nemici
sigillo di ress

ele terra

terra 16
riserva di energia 13

armonia con la terra
glifo dell'energia
fiamma di ossidiana
guardia contro i nemici
guardia contro attacchi ravvicinati
sigillo di ress

questi sono 2 ele che di solito vengono usati in tomba,poi ognuno lo gioca a modo suo


1) Colpo di fulmine
2) Globo di fulmine
3) Fulmine a catena
4) Burrasca
5) Cura Altro
6) Cura Area (voglio provare altre skill al posto di questa: che consigliate? Serve qualcosa per curare anche me al bisogno)
7) Aura del ripristino
8) Resurrezione o Sigillo di Resurrezione

La mia build per pvp di tomba invece è:
1 - Fireball
2 - Incendiary Bonds
3 - Fire Storm
4 - Meteor Shower
5 - Mantra of Resolve
6 - Fire Attunement
7 - Elemental Attunement
8 - Sigillo res

necro/mo prot

15 death
12 prot
3 curse
7 soul reaping

posso del profano
carne infetta
consuma cadavere
strappa incantesimi
rigor mortis
converti fatture
sigillo di ress


15 death
12 curse
7soul reaping
6 inspiration

consume corpes
rend ench
drain ench
rigor mortis
shadow fear
ress signet

necro/me spike build

16 blood
12 curse

shadow strike
offering of blood
vampiric gaze
dark pact
drain enchantment
shadow fear
inspired hex o spirit of failure (slot libero)
ress signet

necro/me curse

16 curse
12 death
6 soul reaping

shadow fear
feast of corruption
rend enchantment
rigor mortis
consume corpse
desacrate enchantment
ress signet

queste sono alcune delle build + comuni usate in tomba,forse il necro blood è+ usato in gvg x spike,cmq provate le diverse build a seconda delle necessità del vostro team e gl&hf a tutti


la mia build da interrupter:

Blocco del potere
Enigma arcano
Spina del potere
Perdita di potere
Calo di potere
Ritorno di fiamma
Sigillo della resurrezione..

Casto prima enigma arcano e poi interrompo una magia da healer.. passo sull'altro monk e vado di ritorno di fiamma..
Poi passo di nuovo al primo e appena lancia una magia gli casto blackout e poi lo interrupto su magie importanti come parola di guarigione - egida - seme - ress etc

Una build dominio piuttosto semplice da usare per portare l'energia del nemico a zero comprende
Flusso di energia
Echo Arcana
Energia Bruciata
Sigillo della Stanchezza
Perdita di potere

Le altre a scelta, potresti mettere relitto mentale ma è utile portarlo solo se poi hai modo di mantenere a zero l'energia del nemico.



War/ele KD

con martello
e magia della terra pompata

sigillo resurrezione
colpo di martello
martello devastante
colpo pesante
folata di colpi
abilità del war

tattica: ricaricare adrenalina con folata di colpi buttare a terra il nemico e usare after shock

War/esp Tiger fury

con ascia

tiger fury
sigillo della resurrezione
abilità del war
colpo penetrante
colpo del boia
fendente distruttivo

tattica: lancaire tiger fury e passare alla combo di attakki con l'ascia partendo sempre da colpo penetrante


Healer Puro
15 Healing Prayers (11+4)
11 Divine Favor (10+1)
10 Blood Magic
2 Protective Prayers (1+1)

Offering of Blood [elite] (Blood Magic)
Heal Other (Healing Prayers)
Orison of Healing (Healing Prayers)
Dwayna's Kiss (Healing Prayers)
Heal Party (Healing Prayers)
Healing Seed (Healing Prayers)
Mend Ailment (Protective Prayers)
Holy Veil (Monk generico)

Healer Ibrido
11 Healing Prayers (10+1)
14 Divine Favor (10+4)
8 Protective Prayers (7+1)
9 Blood Magic

Offering of Blood [elite] (Blood Magic)
Heal Other (Healing Prayers)
Orison of Healing (Healing Prayers)
Reversal of Fortune (Protective Prayers)
Infuse Health (Healing Prayers)
Healing Seed (Healing Prayers)
Mend Ailment (Protective Prayers)
Holy Veil (Monk generico)

(guida all'healing)