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Thread: Public City Testing Comes to Warpstone 5/11!

  1. #1
    Spammer di mediocre esperienza DADE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Public City Testing Comes to Warpstone 5/11!


    For the last two weeks the 100% RvR Driven City changes have been put through their paces in our Closed Guild/Alliance city testing and now it's time to unveil this all new experience to the public!

    We invite you to join us next Tuesday, May 11th 2010, starting at 8:00 PM EDT for our mass Public Test of the all new 100% RvR Driven City Siege! Come and invade the streets of Altdorf with the Mythic Development team as we preview all of these exciting changes. Be sure to stick around after the test for a Q&A session on the official Mythic Ventrilo Server with Nate Levy, Carrie Gouskos, and other members of the development team, hosted by Andy Belford.

    We'll follow up the Altdorf test on Thursday, May 13th 2010, at 8:00 PM EDT as we break down the gates of The Inevitable City and storm the throne room of the forces of Destruction.

    For instructions on how to access the Warpstone Public Test Server and to copy your characters from live to PTS please read here. We will be using character copies for these tests so please be sure to copy over ahead of time.

    Thank you for your continued support and we'll see you on the Warpstone PTS!

    preso diretto dall'herald,io personalmente andrò...fatemi sapere se qualcun'altro è interessato almeno per fare 1 party elite
    Balsagoth Pancake

    "I fremen, cuori duri,spietati.Ai bambini, per il compleanno,regalano sassi " " oh mamma!! è sassosissimo!!"
    "Il classico non si batte"

  2. #2
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Verona, Italy, Italy

    Default Riferimento: Public City Testing Comes to Warpstone 5/11!

    yo man

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