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  1. #1
    Member Svrango's Avatar
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    Nov 2008

    Default MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    Allora, come molti di voi già sapranno, negli ultimi tempi abbiamo chiuso il server privato di minecraft e stiamo provando a giocare in un server pubblico che monta il mod:"Medievalcraft".

    Medievalcraft è un mod che trasforma minecraft in un gdr con classi, livelli, e nuove costruzioni.

    Ci sono 10 classi e se ne può alzare una fino a 100 (che è il max), una fino a 69, due fino a 39 e le restante fino a 9.

    Al 10°, 40°, 70° e 100° si sbloccando, di norma, o nuove abilità o nuovi recipe.

    Lista delle classi:

    -Builder: costrutture, la sua peculiarità principale è quelle di poter costruire muri indistruttibili, oltre a poter creare cancelli apribili (che ancora devo vedere ma paiono promettere bene) e blocchi illusionarii.

    -Alchemist: fa pozioni curative, in base alla sua abilità curano più o meno vita, veleni, antidoti e pozze per buff di forza o resistenza.

    -Siege Mechanic: Specializzato nella guerra d'assedio e nel piazzamento delle trappole, è l'unico a poter aprire varchi nei muri indistrubbili, inoltre può creare dei blocchi-trappola che si dissolvono sotto i piedi dello sventurato che ci cammina sopra.

    -Gatherer: è specilazzato nella raccolta di materiali droppati dai mob, nella raccolta della legna e nella coltivazione del frumento. Inoltre può difendersi discretamente nel combattimento sia ravvicinato che dalla distanza.

    -Warrior: bisogna dire altro ? più sale di livello, più sale la vita, può usare delle armi cafone precluse a tutte le altre classi.

    -Archer: Oltre a creare archi fighi, frecce di vario tipo, può creare delle balestre a colpo singolo che possono utilizzare tutte le classi, più delle balestre a ripetizione che fanno molto "berserk"

    -Beast Talker: il buon vecchio tamatore, anche gli altri possono tamare i lupi, ma lui può controllare contemporaneamente interi gruppi (grazie al fischietto) e i suoi animali saranno più forti rispetto a quelli allevati da altri.

    -Miner: oltre a tutto quello che ci si può aspettare (minare più velocemente, usare efficientemente i picconi più fighi), può creare fornaci multiple o extraveloci e leghe di materiali diversi per creare armi e armature superiori.

    -Trader: classe caratterizzata dalla possibiltà di piazzare dei "trader box" tramite i quali si impostare un mercato.

    -Assassin: il buon vecchio rogue , colpendo da dietro col suo pugnale infligge più danni (al livello massimo, 100, dovrebbe oneshottare), può avvelenare le sue armi, scalare le pareti verticali, e forgiare un armor che diminuisce la distanza a cui il suo nome viene rivelato.

    Il thread da cui ho preso queste informazioni è anche quello da cui si può scaricare il mod (in questo momento è compatibile con la 1.6.6, non con la 1.7):

    Ulteriori informazioni sulla wiki (ancora in via di costruzione):

    Gran parte delle formule per i recipe del mod si trova all'interno del .rar in cui è contenuto il mod, dentro un file chiamato: medievalcraftrecipe.txt, ne metto sotto spoiler il contenuto:

    BDB = Wolfie Diamond
    (B = Bone, D = Diamond)
    Encasing a diamond in bones seems to be SUCH a fantastic look and taste, dropping it somewhere on the ground (rightclick) will usually cause a nearby, previously hidden wolf to dash in at lightspeed, grabbing the diamond.
    [Aka: Spawns Wolves to make Beast Talker more useful, until i find a good way to increase their spawnrate]

    sss = 12x Scaffold
    (W = Planks, s = Stick)
    Scaffold ares easy to place construction helpers. Though they are slightly instable and need support by other scaffolds below, they are easy to set up / demolish AND even act as ladders for reaching the building height easyly.

    WWW = Hay Block
    (W = Wheat)
    A basic storage block, highly flameable!

    RDR = Training Dummy
    (H = Hay, R = Redstone, D = Red Dye)
    This training dummy is excellent for setting up obstacle and fighting courses.
    Upon hit, he will emit a sound similar to somebody getting hurt and will additionally trigger a redstone impulse.

    F W
    WWW = FWF = Herbal Bandages
    F W
    (W = Wool, F = Flower)
    Herbal Bandages are the most basic healing item.
    They will heal half a heart and as well accelerate the natural regeneration (after consuming food).

    C = Chainmail
    Normal Armor Recipes
    Chainmail armor can be carryd by anyone and poses an adequate protection.
    On the other hand, it's quite obstructing and heavy, slowing down a carrier quite a bit.

    III = 8x Iron Fence
    (I = Iron)

    SWS = Woodern Shield
    (W = Wood, S = Planks)
    Woodern Shields are the weakest Shields avaible.
    They are somewhat light, but dont cover a big arc and will break fast.

    G = x coins
    (G = Gold Ingots)
    NOTE: Traders produce more coins per used Gold Ingot
    Coins are used for trading purpouses, only.

    BBB = Big Book
    (L = Leather, B = Book)
    Big Books award more levels upon reading then normal books.

    B = (Different) Class-Book
    (B = Big Book / Class-Book)
    Class Books award a couple of levels for one distinctive class.
    Big books will display your overall levels.
    Class Books will REDUCE your class level by 5 (to remove "accidental" leveling).

    s = 4x Woodern Arrow
    (W = Wood, s = Stick)
    Weak arrow, but light enough to reach a basic range.

    C = 3x Stone Arrow
    (S = Smooth Stone, C = Cobblestone=
    Stone arrows pack a better punch then Woodern ones, but are much more inaccurate and heavier.

    cCc = 2 Cement
    (S = Sand, C = Cobblestone, G = Gravel, c = Clayball)
    Dry Cement is a weak material, until coming into contact with water.
    It will turn into a solid wall-block, which's strength and durability can be further increased by a Throwel tool.

    s = Throwel
    (I = Iron Ingot, s = Stick)
    Throwels can be used by Builders to further solify a wall.
    The higher the builder level, the more effective the entire process becomes.

    DSD = Clayball
    (D = Dirt, S = Sand, W = WaterBucket)

    LVL 40:

    P P = Reinforced Planks
    (P = Planks)
    Reinforced Planks are far more durable then normal Planks and can't be set on fire.

    SRS = Gate Block
    (S = Smooth Stone, R = Redstone, s = Stick, I = String)
    Gate Blocks will, upon getting powered by redstone, extend a block specified in their GUI as far as possible.
    The gate can either extends downwards or sidewarts into the direction the Gate Block was placed.
    Removing the redstone input will cause the gate to be retracted.
    Gates can only consist of a few choosen materials:
    Wood, Planks, Reinforced Planks, Fences, Iron Fences

    DSD = Clayball
    (D = Dirt, S = Sand, W = WaterBucket)

    LVL 70:

    DSD = Clayball
    (D = Dirt, S = Sand, W = WaterBucket)

    RGR = Illusion Block
    (R = Redstone, G = Glass)
    Illusion blocks will try to imitate the texture of the block below them.
    This only works for a few choosen (stone) materials (and, ofc, other Illusion blocks)
    As well, Illusion Blocks can be walked through. And shot through.

    G G
    G G = Vial
    (G = Glass)

    VFI = Mixer
    (V = Vial, s = Stick, F = Furnace, I = Iron Ingot)
    Mixer Tables can be used to process various plants and other ingridents into valuable, alchemistic powders (some plants can only be processed after reaching level 40!).
    As well, it can be used to refine vials of water into destilled water.
    Lastly, it can be used by skilled Alchemists to produce Potions, by using destilled water and adding various powders.

    s = Siege Hammer
    (I = Iron Ingot, s = Stick)
    Siege Hammers can be used to de-solify wallblocks, making them breakable again.
    Hammering walls can take some time and tries, though.

    sss = Fall-Trap
    (X = Dirt, Sand, Snow, Stone, Cobblestone, Cement , s = Stick)
    Fall-Traps look like ordinary Blocks after being placed, but will crumble upon anything walking above it.

    CSC = Stone Shield
    (C = Cobblestone, S = Smooth Stone)
    Stone Shields are much heavier then Woodern Shields, put as well pose a better protection.

    LVL 40:

    IsI = Iron Shield
    (I = Iron, s = Stick)
    Iron Shields are quite durable shields, with a good protection arc and medium weigth.

    I = 8x Spikes
    I I
    (I = Iron)
    As the name implies, spikes are dangerous traps, which will inflict damage upon people running or falling into them.
    In effect, they deal the more damage, the faster said person is while hitting spikes.
    Additionally, they inflict a slowing effect.
    As well, poison can be applied to their tips to make the trap even more lethal.

    SS = Hunting Knife
    (S = Smooth Stone, s = Stick)
    Hunting Knifes are weak fighting tools, but can deal decent damage in the hand of skilled Gatherers.
    As well, it increases the overall loot upon killing mobs and animals.

    S = Sickle
    (S = Smooth Stone, s = Stick)
    Sickles allow careful Gatherers to cut Crops more precisely, without destroying the Roots (by rightclicking).

    LVL 40:

    Ss = Hunting Bow
    (S = String, s = stick)
    Hunting Bows are weaker and lighter bows, designed for, uh, hunting. They pose less range and damage then normal bows and cannot be used with anything past normal arrows (including wood and stone).
    On the other side, a skilled Gatherer can easyly deal critical hits to any sort of animal, increasing the overall loot as well.

    I I
    I = Trimmer
    s s
    (I = Iron, s = stick)
    Trimmers can be used to shear sheeps or cut leather from cows (left-click).
    As well, one can cut leaves with it (rightclick), to either gather leave-blocks or, rarely, apples.

    LsL = Camouflague
    (L = Leaveblock, s = Stick)
    Camouflague-Nets look like Leaves (at least for the unknowing spectator), but can be penetrated by anything, including players and arrows.
    Their primary use is to set up hidden ambush posts in trees.

    sBs = 3x Fertilizer
    (s = Seeds, B = Bonemeal)
    Fertilizer works the same way as Bonemeal, thus, Gatherers can multiply the amount of effective fertilizing material.

    LVL 70:

    FBF = 9x Fertilizer
    (F = Fertilizer, B = Bonemeal)
    As well, a skilled Gatherer can use Bonemeal to elongate their supplies of Fertilizer.

    P P = Ration Wrapping
    (P = Paper)

    WWW = Food Packer
    (W = Ration Wrapping, S = Stone, B = Workbench)
    In Food Packers, Gatherers can create delicious rations.
    Place the food-stuff in the crafting grid and then (AFTERWARDS) a Ration Wrapping in the right slot.
    There are multiple sorts of rations, try mixing food with other ingridents. F.e. stuff that comes in vials.

    As = Foresters Axe
    (A = Alloy, D = Diamond, s = Stick)
    This powerful axe can, in the right hands, chop down whole trees in a signle, well-aimed strike (rightclick).


    LVL 40:

    sI = War Spear
    (I = Iron, s = Stick)
    War Spears deal less damage then most weapons, but have a significant knockback.
    Excellent weapons to fight multiple enemys at once while keeping a safe distance.

    IsI = Battle Axe
    (I = Iron, s = Stick)
    Battle Axes are cruel weapons dealing severe wounds and crippling an enemys movements.
    Ideal weapon to prevent enemys from running off. Once you hit them, that is.

    sI = War Hammer
    s I
    (I = Iron, s = Stick)
    War Hammers are somewhat weighty and will slow down warriors using it.
    On the other side, they pack quite a punch and will annilate any sort of shield upon striking.

    LVL 70:
    I = Longsword
    (I = Iron, G = Alloy, S = Iron Sword)
    Longswords are the Queens of Battlefield.
    They are somewhat big and heavy, severly slowing down, but pack the most devasting punch of all weapons.
    As well, the less stuff you have hanging around (in your action bar), the more powerful you can swing the sword to inflict even more damage.

    B = Fleshy Bone
    (P = Raw Pork, B = Bone)
    Fleshy Bones are far more tasty then normal ones, taming any sort of wolf-like animal they are fed to.
    As well, they are much more healthy then normal pork (for wolfs, that is), and heal an amount of full 10 Hearts.
    Additionally, they boost the Beasttalkers ability to increase wolfs max health.

    s s = Whistle (Sit)
    (s = Stick, F = Wolf Fur)
    Actually more a tool to imitate a Wolf bark then a whistle.
    It will issue all nearby tamed wolves to sit down or to get back up, respectively.
    A higher level vastly increase the range of effect.

    LVL 40:

    Wolf armor set
    FBF = Packleader's Head
    F F
    F F
    F F = Beast's Claws
    I I
    F = Growler's Tail
    F F
    FIF = Nightstalker's Paws
    (F = Wolf Fur (dropped by wolfs on random occasions), B = Black Dye, I = Iron Ingot, L = Leather)
    The armor doesn't weigth anything and is indestructible, but barely awards any protection.
    Head: Increases the buff of the Tail. Sneaking commands wolved back to the user.
    Claws: Increased damage while unarmed. Jumpattacks deal critical damage.
    Tail: Automatically de-rages, tames and buffs nearby wolves, as well as the user if many wolves are nearby.
    Paws: Increased speed and jump height.

    SHS = 3x Animal Grain
    (S = Seeds, H = Hay)
    By mixing Hay and a couple of plant seeds, Beast Talkers can create THE favourite food of quite any plant-eating animal. Feed it to something and the something WILL follow you.
    As well, the food is quite healthy and will instantly bring the animal back to quite a lot of life.

    sB = Longbow
    (s = String, B = Bow)
    Longbows are devasting weapons, in the right hands.
    They have a much higher recoil then normal bows and are thus not useful for rapid fire.
    In redo, however, they have a BY FAR greater accuracy and range. Even the damage is slightly higher.

    Archers are now the only class to craft normal arrows.

    LVL 40

    I = 4x Iron Bolt
    (I = Iron Ingot, F = Feather)
    Iron Bolts/Arrows are more powerful then normal arrows, albeit heavier.
    As well, they are the only ammunition suitable for crossbows.

    CAC = 2x Barbed Arrow
    (F = Flint, C = Cactus, A = Normal Arrow)
    Barbed arrows have a better damage rating the normal arrows and will afflict an additional slowdown effect to hit enemies.

    sPs = Crossbow
    (I = Iron Ingot, B = Bow, s = String, P = Planks)
    Crossbows are quite special weapons. They are easy to handle and thus can used by every player regardless of class. Archer skills don't affect a crossbow either.
    Crossbows only use Iron Bolts and must be manually reloaded (crafting window) after each shot. On the other site they pack a neat damage with good accuracy over decent range.

    ssI = Composite Bow
    (s = String, I = Iron Ingot)
    Composite bows are metallic bows, which are more difficult to handle, but have a far higher power, dealing more damage per shot.

    LVL 70

    GRG = Repeater Crossbow
    (C = Crossbow, G = Gold Ingot, R = Redstone, I = Iron Ingot)
    Repeater Crossbows are the creme de la creme of archery weapons. They are build with a special loading mechanism, allowing 6 consecutive shots to be fired in rapid succession. On the downside they can only be reloaded by expensively made Repeater magazines.
    AIA = Repeater Magazine
    (A = Iron Bolt, s = Stick, I = Iron Ingot)

    I I
    = 6x Chainmail
    I I
    (I = Iron)
    Used to craft Chainmail armor

    IFI = Advanced Furnace
    (C = Chest, F = Furnace, I = Iron)
    Advanced Furnaces smelt faster then normal ones.
    Additionally, they have THREE input and THREE output slots, allowing to set up a much bigger smelting operation at once.
    As it only has one fuel slot, though, you will be in need to use coal (as a stack of wood couldnt possibly smelt 3 stacks of material).

    LVL 40

    IFI = High-Temperature Furnace
    (I = Iron, F = Furnace)
    High-Temperature Furnaces smelt, as the name implies, with incredible high temperatures. They are the sole kind of furnace which can process Unrefined Alloy into Alloy Ingots.
    As well, they can be used to quickly smelt normal Material, but are less effective then Advanced Furnaces (fuelwise), exspecially since HT-Furnaces can only be heated with (char)coal.

    III = 2x Unrefined Alloy
    (R = Redstone, G = Gold, I = Iron)
    Alloy is a special... alloy. It's more durable then Iron, albeit much more costly in production.
    Alloy can be used to craft a new set of Armor and Swords, accordingly.
    (There are NO "standard alloy tools")

    LVL 70

    SGS = TNT
    (G = Gunpowder, S = Sand)

    G = x coins
    (G = Gold Ingot)

    PCP = Tradebox
    (P = Planks, C = Chest, R = Redstone)
    Tradeboxes are tools meant to set up marketplaces. They have an integrated codelock, preventing anybody else to open their mechanics.
    Within the mechanics, traders can define whatever they want to buy or sell with the tradebox.
    The upper slots can only recognize Coins, though.
    If you place the same amount of coins in both coinslots, the tradebox will "trade" the two blocks defined int he itemslots above,
    thus selling (f.e.) "3 Dirt for 1 Sand" and similar operations, without any coins (user-sided) required.
    For any operation, the tradebox needs a nearby (Personal) Chest to operate.
    Said chest must contain whatever good the tradebox is offering, as well as providing enough free slots for storage purpouses.

    Other people accessing the tradebox will only see it's input/output interface and can thus not manipulate the Buy/Sell settings.

    Tradeboxes are made of Holly-Wood and therefore indestructible. They can only be removed by their owner rightclicking them while holding another tradebox.

    C = Personal Chest
    (I = Iron Ingot, C = Chest, R = Redstone)
    Personal chest are code-locked chest, reinforced to be indestructible.
    They can only be opened by whoever placed them and as well only be removed by said owner rightclicking them while holding another PersonalChest.

    Traders are now the only class to craft Minecart(track)s of any kind.

    Traders are now the only Class capable of crafting minecart-stuff:
    MINECART Lvl10
    RAILS Lvl10/40/70 (higher levels produce more rails while crafting

    I = Dagger
    (s = Stick, I = Iron Ingot)
    Daggers deal light base damage, but said damage increases vastly when attacking targets from behind.
    Hitting a target "Point Blanc", which is considered a "perfect" stab from "exactly" behind will trigger an instant death.
    The stabbing damage bonus has a cooldown, hitting the target multiple times will only deal vast damage on the first hit.

    LVL 40:

    Assassin armor set

    BLB = Assassin's Hood

    BLB = Assassin's Robe
    BLB = Assassin's Pantaloons

    BLB = Assassin's Sneakers

    (B = Black Wool, L = Leather Armor)
    Assassins Leather armor is blacken'd Leather armor, reinforced with some Wool.
    It poses no disadvantage while moving, actually it even increase the Assassin's movement speed.
    As well, it's black surface will make you less likely to be seen by other people (reduces name-display range, as well as lowers Mob alertness).

    G G = Poison Dagger
    (s = Stick, G = Glass)
    The poison dagger was specially invented for delivering poisons right into the veins of a victim.
    It first needs to get filled in an Alchemists Mixer and can then deliver a mediocre strike with applied poison effect against an unwary foe.

    Per quanto riguarda il server, quello in cui stiamo giocando (che sarebbe il server ufficiale del creatore del mod) ha un cap di 60 persone e una whitelist.

    Per giocarci dovete, ovviamente, farvi mettere nella whitelist, e lo potete fare scrivendo in questo post:
    Basta seguire il pro-forma degli altri e il gioco è fatto, la aggiornano quasi quotidianeamente.

    Ultima cosa, c'è un forum dedicato solo a questo mod, ma è completamente spopolato, ha l'unica funziona utile di essere il solo post in cui denunciare un'infrangimento delle regole o appellarsi contro un ban:

    Giusto, stavo per dimenticare le regole che, fortunatamente, sono ben poche: nella città iniziale, la spawn town che sta vicino allo spawn point ^^ (x=150, z=-150), non si può ne' uccidere, ne' rubare, ne' distruggere.
    Al di fuori potete fare quello che vi pare e piace, tranne abbandonarsi ad un grieffaggio fine a se stesso; per esempio: potete scavare i muri di una fortezza quanto vi pare per trovare i forzieri nascosti, ma non potete ricoprirla con una colata di lava abnorme.

    Per adesso è tutto, in caso dopo aggiorno.

    P.S. in questo momento, essendo il mod compatibile con la 1.6.6 e non la 1.7, non ce sta un'anima, si spera si ripopoli all'aggiornemento del mod.
    Last edited by Svrango; 04/07/2011 at 14:07.

  2. #2
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    quando aggiornano il server lo dite qui pls? così torno a giocare
    me gustava

  3. #3
    Member Svrango's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    Comunque dovrebbero fare l'update questa settimana, quindi si possono evita anche tutti sti sbattimenti. Tra l'altro, con l'update si vede pure se il server avrà vita: spero dopo ci siano almeno una decina di persone fisse online, con picchi di 20, sennò la vedo dura (considerando che è estate ho abbassato le pretese di molto).

    EDIT: gizeee ci hanno appena grieffato tutte le casse della base XD
    Last edited by Svrango; 12/07/2011 at 20:40.

  4. #4
    Vero spammer Fiordiluna's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    Quote Originally Posted by Svrango View Post
    EDIT: gizeee ci hanno appena grieffato tutte le casse della base XD
    Stra - L O L
    OH DON PIANO ! - Continuano a bannarlo da Iutub ! 'Stardi !
    (E infatti l'hanno ri-bannato. Ma io l'ho ritrovato ! Pappappero.)

  5. #5
    Io sono l'Alfa e l'Omega Q(F)M's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    Quote Originally Posted by Svrango View Post
    Comunque dovrebbero fare l'update questa settimana, quindi si possono evita anche tutti sti sbattimenti. Tra l'altro, con l'update si vede pure se il server avrà vita: spero dopo ci siano almeno una decina di persone fisse online, con picchi di 20, sennò la vedo dura (considerando che è estate ho abbassato le pretese di molto).

    EDIT: gizeee ci hanno appena grieffato tutte le casse della base XD
    allora direi che aspetto l'update

  6. #6
    Vero spammer Gizeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    per ora la popolazione è nulla, si spera sia a causa della patch...

  7. #7
    Vero spammer Gizeta's Avatar
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    Si sta ripopolando un po', bisogna dire che ovviametne se la gente entra per vedere quanta gente c'e' online e slogga il numero non salirà mai, cosi' anche per far numero io sto giocando e anche svrango.

    @Torok, La tua camera è LAMMERDA. sto rivestendo il bunker con le mura infrangibili e foderare camera tua è la cosa che mi sta portando via piu tempo! Cerca di loggare che devo sfasciare il letto per farci il pavimento sotto, cosi' ti rifai lo spawn point

  8. #8
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    Quote Originally Posted by Gizeta View Post
    Si sta ripopolando un po', bisogna dire che ovviametne se la gente entra per vedere quanta gente c'e' online e slogga il numero non salirà mai, cosi' anche per far numero io sto giocando e anche svrango.

    @Torok, La tua camera è LAMMERDA. sto rivestendo il bunker con le mura infrangibili e foderare camera tua è la cosa che mi sta portando via piu tempo! Cerca di loggare che devo sfasciare il letto per farci il pavimento sotto, cosi' ti rifai lo spawn point
    ma il server non è updato? posso scaricare un secondo minecraft aggiornato alla 1.6? .v

  9. #9
    Member Svrango's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    adesso per vendetta carico il mondo del nostro server e in piena rage distruggo tutto ciò che hai costruito.

    Gizzeeeeé la mia stanza segreta non è stata violata, non si può dire lo stesso di quella tua e quella di torok, ci vorranno anni di terapia prima che un altro uomo possa entrarci dentro

    P.S. si, di pessimo gusto.
    Last edited by Svrango; 13/07/2011 at 03:18.

  10. #10
    powna il mondo negli FPS Torok's Avatar
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    Default Re: MEDIEVALCRAFT Info & link

    Quote Originally Posted by Svrango View Post
    adesso per vendetta carico il mondo del nostro server e in piena rage distruggo tutto ciò che hai costruito.

    Gizzeeeeé la mia stanza segreta non è stata violata, non si può dire lo stesso di quella tua e quella di torok, ci vorranno anni di terapia prima che un altro uomo possa entrarci dentro

    P.S. si, di pessimo gusto.
    vi siete dimenticati di mettere la terra davanti alla porta? branco di froci!

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