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By now you've heard about the Ultimate Empire Showdown. You know...cheer on your Empire, witness the victory, and find out what's in store for PlanetSide 2 in 2013, all during a live event that wages Empire against Empire for ultimate bragging rights? Trust us. You do not want to miss this one.

Want to witness this history-making event live and in person? Look for chances to win your ticket into the event on the PlanetSide 2 Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages.

Once you've secured your spot on the frontline, make your way to The BookBindery in Culver City, CA on January 25th, 2013. (Please arrive by 3:00PM PST for check-in. Event starts at 4:00PM.) Parking is available at the building, with overflow parking at the nearby Trader Joe's.
Not lucky enough to get an advance ticket? We’ll have a limited number of tickets available on site on event day for fans who make the trek to support their Empire. As the venue has limited capacity, we can’t guarantee everyone who comes without a ticket will be able to get in. We'll also help you show your Empire pride while you wait for your chance to be a part of the crowd.

Can't be there live? Just tune in to planetside2 from 4-7PM PST to catch all the action and/or join us on Connery to play alongside LevelCap, SeaNanners and Total Biscuit. Help your empire dominate to claim victory!