Tenendo presente che:
Read this please: "On a PVP server, players will be able to initiate player vs. player combat based on what territory they are in. Players in friendly territories are safe unless they decide to engage an opposing faction player in combat. Players in enemy territories will always be at risk and can be attacked by all players that belong in the territory. All players can be attacked in neutral (contested) territories.

Actions that will enable a player for PvP status on the PVP server will be: entering or being in an enemy territory, entering or being in a contested territory, attacking an NPC of the opposing faction, attacking another player, and/or aiding a player engaged in PvP.

On a non-PVP server, players are less open to random attacks from other players.

Actions that will enable PvP on the standard player vs. environment server are: attacking an NPC of the opposing faction, attacking a player who attacked an NPC, and/or aiding a player engaged in PvP. Players will also have the ability to enable PvP on their own by using the /pvp command.
in parole povere:
nel caso in cui si scelga "misto" scordatevi il pvp. In questa tipologia di server il pvp pu? avvenire solo nel caso in cui il nemico attacchi un npc, altrimenti non ci si pu? combattere contro.

Volevo mettere come possibilit? di scelta, ma voglio vedere se adesso votate in modo corretto